Thursday 11 April 2013

Mangere Montain (Original)

I'm going to an essay about why Mangere Mountain is very important to the Maori people, Sports Coordinators, Farmers and the Locals.  I’m also going to be writing about the history of mangere mountain and why its so valued by a lot of people.

To the Maori people Mangere mountain is really valued because that was where they first lived and migrated too. On the mountain they grew vegetable such as kumara and many more. The main point of them staying there was to see if there were any bad people coming, If there were any enemies on their land the Maori people would stand at the top of the mountain telling and forcing their enemies  to stay away.

Mangere Mountain is important to tourist and scholars from all around the world who likes studying volcanoes and the Maori culture. They sit on top  of the mountain because of the spectacular view of Auckland. They take a lot of photos to show others how amazing it is to observe Auckland from the mountain.

The Mountain is important to all kind of people like sports coordinators. Sports coordinators uses Mangere Mountain to train people who plays Rugby, Rugby league, Soccer and etcetera. Thats why mangere mountain is so valued by a lot of people.

The last time Mangere Mountain exploded was approximately 18,000 years ago, Volcanologist love studying about Mangere Mountain because it is one of the most biggest and the most preserved mountain/volcano in the auckland region.

Overall from my point of view I think Mangere Mountain is amazing and it’s a good place to socialise while you're with your friends and probably family’s too.