Sunday 26 May 2013

Theories Of Migration

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of Māori journeyed out of South-East Asia and into the Pacific. They sailed in waka (canoes), and were some of the world's greatest canoe builders, navigators and mariners.

Waka  (canoes)

The earliest sailing vessels of Polynesian ancestors were rafts and dugout canoes. They were used on short voyages, but because dugouts capsized easily, and rafts were prone to swamping, they were not suitable for long distances. Eventually, an outrigger (a second hull) was fixed to the side. This made canoes faster and more stable. With these changes people could sail across long stretches of open sea. Sails and steering paddles were added for greater speed and control. Polynesian double-hulled canoes or twin-hulled canoes were similar to outrigger canoes. They were fast and easy to manoeuvre, and could sail rougher waters. They ranged in length from 20 metres for long trips, up to a giant 36 metres for shorter journeys. For comparison, Captain James Cook’s ship, the Endeavour, was 33 metres long.

Ocean voyaging

To prepare for the voyage, sailors stocked canoes with food and water. People would memorise the routes, or record them in songs. Directions were taken from the landscape in relation to the paths of stars. Traditional navigators used the rising and setting points of stars and planets as signposts. During the day, the sun was a guide, and in overcast weather, ocean swells and wind direction were used to chart the way.

Voyagers knew land was ahead even before they could see it. Migrating birds may have helped show the way to new lands, and fishing birds such as gannets, terns and petrels were a sign that land was not far away. Pods of whales may also have guided canoes to New Zealand – the ancestor Paikea is said to have arrived on a whale.
Navigators could also find land by reading the position of stars, the colour and formation of clouds, and the pattern of waves.

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